Bitter Melon & Egg Stir-fry
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Quick stir-fry with eggs for a healthy, not-bitter side dish!
Recipe type: Sides
Cuisine: Chinese
Serves: 4
  • 2 bitter melons, sliced into ½" thick rings
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • ½ tsp fish (or soy sauce, if vegan)
  1. Slice melons, removing the spongy pith if desired. Soak slices in salted water for a few minutes. Rinse and pat dry.
  2. Fry garlic till it starts to turn golden.
  3. Add melons and stir-fry over high heat till it looks slightly translucent, about half to 1 minute.
  4. Lower to medium heat. Pour in beaten egg in a slow stream around the pan. Gently turn the ingredients in the pan and let it sit for about 10 seconds.
  5. Add soy sauce or fish sauce, adjusting for taste. Stir a few more times, taking care not to break up the eggs too much.
Select gourds that are greenish-yellow in color for less bitterness.
Grooves should be farther apart than narrow and tight.
Soak in some salted water for a few minutes, rinse and pat dry before cooking.
Recipe by Ginger and Cilantro at